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Outfit of the Day: 02-27-2011

Dress: Some Shop in San Francisco I can't remember the name of
Jewelry: Ebay
Hat: Good Will
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Outfit of the Day: 02-18-2011

My "Vegas Skank" outfit!

Dress: Crossroads Trading Company
Shoes: Forever21
Jewelry: Forever21 & Ebay
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Outfit of the Day: 02-17-2011

Taken in Vegas.

Dress: Thrifted
Cardigan: Thrifted
Hat: Clothing Swap
Belt: Thrifted
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Outfit of the Day: 02-04-2011

I have been really bad about updating my outfits. I will try to keep more on top of things!

Dress: Vintage
Jacket: F21
Scarf: Knitted by Mother's Friend
Boots: Thrifted
Bag: H&M
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When I was home in Idaho for Thanksgiving last year, my mother dragged me (hahaha, "dragged" me) to the Sandpoint Animal Shelter, which is one of the nicest animal shelters I have ever been to. It's a no kill shelter, and all of the animals are incredibly happy... especially the kitties! There are about seven cat rooms where they all live together and play, and you can go into each room and pet the cats and get to know them.

Despite being terribly allergic to cats, I still spent way too much time there and photographed lots of meow meows.

And we ended up bringing this little darling, who is now named Zipper and spends a lot of time sleeping in front of my parent's fireplace:

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Outfits in Paris

I am long overdue for blog posts about my trips last year to Spain and France. I actually haven't even edited all of my France photographs yet; I am SO behind on editing that there's still cosplay shoots from Aki-con sitting untouched on my harddrive. Eventually I'll have enough time to chill out for two seconds and accomplish such things, but right now is not the time.

Regardless, here's some photos of some outfits I wore in Paris. I got that scarf at H&M whilst I was there and even though it sheds all over me it's still one of my favourites. My outfits were pretty similar since I only brought two pairs of boots and it was FREEZING, so I was constantly wrapped up in sweaters and too-thin jackets.

The Louvre:

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Inspire Me: Birds of a Feather

Navy Bird Dress: Here 
Camel Blazer: Here
Turquoise Scarf: Here
Leather Satchel: Here
Betsey Johnson Bird Earrings: Here
Chloe Sevigny Platforms: Here
Juicy Couture Bird Ring: Here
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What a Crazy Random Happenstance!

Before I could walk, or crawl, or form words bigger than my tongue could wrap itself around. Before I could sing or dance or do much more than gurgle and drool all over myself. Before I dyed my hair and adorned myself with tattoos and cared about the way my dresses looked. Before I could play video games or collected action figures or cuddled my dog to sleep every night. Before I had long hair. Before I was potty trained. Before ALL of this... that's when I "met" Lacy.

I am the oldest of my rather humble and small family - it's just my brother and myself. My mother was an exceptional example of parenting throughout the entirety of my existence (and continues to this day), and therefore when I was born she quit her job and fastened me to her side, always. One day, in a desperate attempt for some human contact, she took me with her to McDonald's playland to watch the other children play while she chowed down on a bad for her burger that didn't affect her delicate frame. There, she met Kris, a big boned blonde woman with a midwestern accent and a similar squirmy little parasite attached to her. My mother hails from a small polish town in Wisconsin, and therefore hit it off immediately with Kris, over shared backgrounds and the fact that their daughters were so close in age.

Lacy and I were friends before we knew what friends were.

We grew up together, much like sisters, and some of my first memories are of acting completely absurd with her: playing with horses, laying on the swingsets on our bellies and pretending we could fly, eating sand in the sandbox, wearing matching dresses at our joint birthday parties. We were stuck together as close as two little girls could be, until my parents decided they needed to relocate to Soldotna, Alaska. This move was only a three hour drive away from Wasilla, but to Lacy and I it seemed a catastrophic distance. We wrote each other shaky letters plastered in horse stickers, sent each other birthday cards we made on dinosaur computers with tacky clip art, and when we were old enough we took terrifyingly tiny planes across mountains to see one another. We watched Grease for the first time together, learned about boys, went through awkward puberty, ate too much sugar and spazzed out, covered our faces with glitter, learned the macarena, listened to terrible music. Then, suddenly, when we were both fourteen our parents decided to leave Alaska for good: She to Wisconsin and I to Idaho. Our friendship was already strained due to the tragedy of "growing up", and therefore it did not necessarily prevail once we switched states. We both made new friends and were only a distant memory in one another's minds. Myspace and then Facebook appeared, and we sought one another out - out of obligation, or a need to connect with our childhood, or merely to reminisce. I tagged photos of us together as children I found in a giant trunk at my parent's. Once in awhile we would comment on a post, or I would hear something about Lacy from my mother, but we very rarely talked.

This last weekend I went to Las Vegas for the first time, and, as is in my nature, I publicized this fact. Suddenly, I had an email in my inbox from Lacy, informing me that she had moved to Vegas in December and we should meet up.

Ten years after I had seen her as an awkward pre-teen, Lacy and I were reunited. And it was as if we had never been apart. We still were as silly as always, blabbing on and on to one another, dancing together and commenting on other people on the dance floor. She brought out the midwestern accent I've inherited from my mother and we shared similar stories of how we had come to the point we are in adulthood.

It was a perfect, surreal experience. Someone I have known since literally before I could remember, and our bond is still tangible and real. Friendship, and people, and LIFE are truly incredible things.

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Inspire Me: Wonder Woman

Gold Trench Coat: Here
Blue Ruffle Dress: Here
Wonder Woman Two Finger Ring: Here
Mutli Strand Gold Necklace: Here
Red Suede Shoes: Here
Gold Box Purse: Here
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Inspire Me: Girly Equestrian

Pale Pink Blazer: Here
Horse Tanktop: Here
Black Bandage Skirt: Here
Black Suede Wedges: Here
Betseyville Heart Bag: Here
"Love" Ring: Here
Rose Charm Bracelet: Here

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Om Nom Nom: Mini Red Velvet Cupcakes

I know, I know, this post is a little late for V-day. But who says it has to be some corporate holiday to enjoy delicious miniature red velvet cupcakes that melt in your mouth and are super easy and non messy to eat? NO ONE SAYS THAT. There is never a BAD time for cupcakes, in my humble opinion.

These cupcake photographs are actually about a year old... exactly! They are from a HUGE batch of red velvet cupcakes I made with a friend for her Anti Valentine Day party. These little bites of heaven were snatched up and devoured pretty early on in the night, and they certainly helped the people getting wasted on absinthe not to get sick.

Without further ado, here is my favourite recipe for red velvet cupcakes:


  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 (1 ounce) bottle Red Food Color
  • 2 teaspoons  Pure Vanilla Extract

Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 (16 ounce) box confectioners' sugar

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Set aside.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food color and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended. Do not overbeat. Spoon batter into 30 paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full. 
  3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting. 

Cream Cheese Frosting

Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and Pure Vanilla Extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners' sugar until smooth. Tada!

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Cosplay: Ravenclaw

I've been a huge Harry Potter geek since I was really small. I think I was seven or eight when my mother read the first book to me, and I was absolutely hooked by the second chapter. I was so enthralled with the wonder and how easily I could believe; when an owl didn't come on my 11th birthday I think I cried for three hours. I waited, secretly, until I was 13, believing that Hogwarts didn't find my magical abilities because I was all the way in Alaska. I nearly convinced myself that JK Rowling had gone to Hogwarts herself.

I've always craved such a magical and fantastic existence.

I grew with the characters. They were dear friends, hated enemies, professors I felt much too fondly of. Their triumphs were my triumphs, their downfalls floored me. I celebrated and wept with them... and then the books were over.

A week before the 7th book came out, my two best friends and I went to get our first tattoos. Mine was a golden snitch tattoo, and I have not and will not ever regret it. Harry Potter is a dear friend, and I will miss him so much after the final movie.

But I'll still dress up like a Ravenclaw whenever I damn well please.

(Photos are by the amazing Al, who is uber talented and makes me look way prettier than I am. I didn't do 2 pictures as one of this post because these photos are too awesome to be resized that tiny.)
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Outfit of the day: 01-23-2011

Discovered my car was broken into today. I feel utterly helpless and violated. It's the second time this has happened in the year I've lived in Seattle, but the first time they didn't take anything I cared about. This time, my car was full of things due to the move, and they took my xbox 360 harddrive, a whole bunch of vintage clothes, and worst of all, my Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex medium format camera. That thing was my father's since the 70s, and he just entrusted it to me over the holidays. I feel sick. It's not the material value of the objects, it's the sentimental. Sigh.

Floral Dress: Thrifted. (It's way too big on me and I cut it much shorter)
Jacket: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Rings: H&M
Scarf: Thrifted
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Outfit of the day: 01-22-2011

Dress: H&M
Jacket: H&M (But thrifted)
Undershirt: Sylvie Lewis "band" t-shirt her publicist sent me years ago when I was "big on Myspace"
Lace Vest, Flannel Shirt: Thrifted
Furry Hat: H&M
Owl Earrings: eBay
Deer Ring: H&M
Octopus Necklace: Gift from Veronica
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Outfit of the day: 01-20-2011

A lot of people were commenting on this photo on facebook, saying things about "goth". True, I definitely went through a phase in high school (though it was more Japanese Visual Kei than goth, methinks) and the majority of my wardrobe IS black... but I have never thought of myself as goth. Some days I feel like wearing florals and nudes; other days I feel like blacks and greys. Labeling my fashion style is challenging and pointless, because my moods change every time I walk into my closet. I am an odd mashup of geeky, gothic, romantic, boho, and hipster. Don't question it; I don't. And isn't that what fashion is about? Expressing yourself? I do not dress to adhere to standards or cliches. And although this is sounding very much like a highschooler arguing with a parent about why they can't wear "that", a lot of it still rings true. I know how to dress to look like an adult and still be quirky and silly. I accentuate simple pieces with odd jewelry or interesting makeup. Nothing I wear would ever have me shunned from society, but at the same time it is very much ME.

That's why I love fashion. It's a physical manifestation of the way I feel and think on that day. I can tell certain strangers so much about me with one dress or a single carefully chosen ring. Fashion is my art form.

What I'm wearing:

Long Black Dress: H&M
Black Cowboy Boots: Thrifted
Both Cardigans: Thrifted
Black Faux Leather Jacket: Forever21
Scarf: Made for me by my mother's friend Emily
Bag: H&M
All jewelry except the long silver chain: ebay
Long silver chain: My grandmother's
Molly McIsaac, 2010. Powered by Blogger.